Shane and Shane
In the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon writes: “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the sun.” For Shane & Shane, the current season can be distilled in one word: discipleship.
After more than a decade of relentless touring, where the duo played everywhere from the college circuit to worship arenas to far-flung places, Shane & Shane have shifted the focus of their ministry. Rather than cramming as many dates on the calendar as demand will allow, the dynamic praise & worship duo—known for their celebrated guitar work and trademark harmonies—are pouring their lives into others, discipling musicians and training them in their craft.
Putting their convictions into practice, the result is The Worship Initiative. What began as an organic spark of an idea has developed into an online resource and community for all things worship. More than just a digital jukebox for worship geeks, however, The Worship Initiative is a one-stop shop for training, a hothouse environment where all—musicians, worship leaders, budding songwriters—can grow and flourish in their craft and creativity and devotion to the Lord.