Tedashii has been separating himself from the pack for the better part of a decade. With a slew of revered studio albums and EP’s to his name—including the masterful Below Paradise which debuted at No. 17 on the Billboard 200 albums chart—the Texas-born and bred rapper remains a force. His most recent release, 2016’s This Time Around, was an emotional journey comprised of celebratory records juxtaposed with stories of pain, hope, and overcoming tragedy. But it’s a new day. And with that, comes new purpose.
In 2017, Tedashii returns with fresh passion and renewed creative vision. Inspired by the pointed declaration of Luke 9:62, which states, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and turns back is fit for the kingdom of God,” the rapper is charged up anew. It’s no secret that our current social and political moment calls for more action and less empty jargon. Bearing this in mind, Tedashii has adopted a new ethos—one that reflects his clear commitment to making an impact despite the unpredictability of our cultural climate: Never Fold. Tedashii’s devotion is encapsulated in these simple albeit heavy words.
What exactly does Never Fold mean? On the surface, it centers on not giving up; it’s about maintaining and moving forward regardless of the tension and any opposition we might face. But in the light of Luke’s stern command, it’s much deeper and requires greater examination. “I understand pain firsthand,” Tedashii says. “For me, Never Fold is about celebrating life in the midst of adversity. It’s a reminder to not succumb to the pressures of life when in the end, it’s what makes diamonds of us all.”